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Courting Tradition

​Production by Candyce Bruce, Julie Campbell & Enathi Mqokeli

The Traditional Courts Bill is highly contested legislation that is seen as being unconstitutional, undemocratic and may be negative for vulnerable rural women. Courting Tradition engages critically with this bill by presenting diverse voices on the tabled law as well as what should be done to challenge its retrogressive powers over rural society. A contrasting history of the traditional and magistrates courts is presented to outline the future challenges to ensure effective justice beyond party alliances.


Violence Contains Violence

Produced by Candyce Bruce, Aimee Caulfield & Julie Campbell


​This is a 10-minute piece takes a look at society and its engagement with violence. We use a private security company in Grahamstown, Hi-Tec, as a case study. This case study allows for us to explore ambiguities held within the community about violence. While many may claim to be vehemently against violence, they often rely on it to some extent to keep them safe. With this as our framework, we consider the current state of Grahamstown in terms of poverty and its direct link to crime. An armed response officer explains how he has had to use violence as a deterrent. We discover the place, FM Pole where many street children had told us they get taken and are beaten up by Hi-Tec. Professor Pithouse gives a theoretical background on violence while the legal side was covered by an advocate. The audience is left to consider the conflicts that arise around violence as a measure to contain violence.

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